
Tummy Tub: Bathed With Love

My brother Todd told me about this product he saw on The Today Show called the Tummy Tub. The Tummy Tub is a Dutch invention and is recommended by many health care practitioners all over Europe. A woman in the U.S. found this product when looking for a more natural bathing experience for her baby. She found the Tummy Tub and is now the main distributor in the United States. The Tummy Tub is known for its womb-like environment. While in the Tummy Tub, baby can relax in the fetal position while staying nice and warm the entire time. I don't know if I am willing to spend $45.00 for what looks quite similar to a clear bucket... but I am definitely intrigued by the concept.

Check out this clip from The Today Show:
Tummy Tub

Tummy Tub Website:
Bathed With Love


Steph said...

definitely interesting - I don't think I'd spend $45 on that either.

Armitage Family said...

haha Thanks Steph :)

Brendi68 said...

those babies are adorable!!!
I'm with you and Steph on this one....45 bucks for a pail!! not!