
Lulu's Butterfly Birthday

In Londyn's 3rd year, she aged much more than any 3 year old should.  She learned and saw things that I hadn't in all my 26 years.  Selfishly, Lulu's 4th birthday means a lot to me.  Zoe had just been discharged from her week long hospital stay the day before Lulu's 3rd birthday party.  It was a miracle that Londyn was able to have her sister there to celebrate.  I remember having one of those blissful moments where I had Zoe in the front pack and Londyn was blowing out her candles... and all felt normal for a brief moment.  I cherish those memories.  This year has come with many challenges to find ourselves in a new light and rebuild from the rubble that settles after child loss.  Heavenly Father really knew what he was doing when he blessed me with Londyn.  She is at such a fun age and a really good, easy kid!  Without her, I don't know how I would get out of bed in the morning.  I don't know if I would have the desire to try.  It is because of this little joy in my life that I have every reason to get out of bed and continue with my resolution to FIND SOME FUN! She deserves to be a kid and and experience all of the beautiful things that this life has to offer.  We all deserve to find joy in this journey, no matter how many roadblocks come our way.


Londyn has been determined to have a butterfly themed party for months now.  I was a little hesitant to start planning because she has never really expressed an interest in butterflies before.  I was worried she would change her mind!  Even if she did... my motto is, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!"

Lulu was lucky that 12 out of 13 girls were able to attend her party.  She is really lucky to have so many girls her age closeby!  This was a treat because it is rare that they all get a chance to play together at the same time.  Because really... what sane person has a playdate with twelve 3 to 4 year old girls?  Oh... this one! (minus the sane part)


Butterfly PB&J's

Decorate Butterfly Wands

The biggest hit was the Little Heart House.  We bought this used playhouse last Spring and planned to revamp it for Londyn and Zoe.  Our plan was to decorate it with pink and red with hearts. Our was from inspiration the darling houses on Martha's Vineyard.
Since we don't know how long we will be in this home, we decided to make it more generic for future residents to enjoy.  It is still a work in progress but we got the bulk of it done over the past two weeks.  We surprised Lulu with it completely transformed for her birthday!  Inside we put a play kitchen with table and chairs.  When she saw the kitchen, she said "A kitchen in my heart house?!  It's what I've always wanted!"

She loves it!

It was fun to watch the girls play in the house because it was like a classic clown car.  Girls just kept piling in!  I was amazed they could all fit and actually play!

{Butterfly Candy Bags}
who knew a clothespin, snack sized plastic bag and pipe cleaners could transform into a cute little butterfly!

Lulu's friends all gave her such lovely things.  She is such a lucky little girl.  Not because of all her gifts but because she has so many sweet little friends.

Thank You's & Hugs

At the end I gave each girl a butterfly net and tossed foam bugs in the air for them to catch.  Some of them couldn't get enough of this game!

The past 4 years with this little butterfly have been the greatest blessing.  
We love our Londyn Joy.

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