

On Thursday evening, Londyn was extra fussy and not acting like her cute happy self. She was beginning to sound congested and had quite the runny nose. When a sleepless Friday night came and passed... I was ready and willing with the baby Tylenol, boogie sucker-outer and open cuddly arms. The poor thing was miserable... coughing, sneezing and a very stuffy nose. Luckily, no fever or signs of anything serious. Nontheless, a grumpy and high maintenance baby girl was she. Since we didn't have much planned, other than Andrew's endless homework and celebrating Halloween... it was nice to stay home and take care of the babe.

After fighting sleep all day, Londyn finally fell asleep Friday night and slept 9 hours. What a relief! Saturday morning, she was still feeling pretty yucky but slowly improving with the medicine and lots of fluids. We made our weekly trip to the new track near our house, while Andrew ran and I walked with the baby. It was nice to get out of the house and breathe the fresh Fall air. Then we came home, and got ready for the day. Unfortunately, the Mr. and I didn't dress up this year but lil' Londie Lou was all decked out as what we've decided to be a "Halloween Princess" (if there is such a thing.) We then went out to dinner as a family and then to the tri-ward Trunk-r-Treat. What a nice and easy way to spend the holiday! To top it off, we put the baby to bed and watched a movie together. Cuddles and all.

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