

We bid ado to Nana, Pop Pop & their cute chihuahua Ralphie yesterday. It's always tough to say goodbye, but this time it has been especially sad because Londyn know's that they are gone. She was saying "Nanananana" and "Bop Bop" all day after they left.

We were spoiled with 5 days straight of pure family time with Andrew and now he is back to the grind. It takes about a week to get into the back into groove and on top of this schedule. The poor guy eats, sleeps & works.

It's tough having Andrew home for that long because I was just getting used to being alone more often than not. Don't mind me. I'm just throwing a pity party. Here I am boo-hooing and Andrew hasn't complained once. He's such a good example and stays strong for all of us. We are just lucky that both of us have jobs that pay the bills.

Farewell stay-cation... come again soon.

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