
Pappy Wars

A couple months ago, I told Londyn that when she's ready, she could take ALL of her pappies (pacifiers) to Target and trade them for a toy. Apparently I should have been more specific because she crawled into bed with me this morning and said "I want to take my pappies to Target and get an iPad." What the?! Apparently her pappies are worth way more than any baby doll or Barbie. I'm in trouble.
My tentative plan was to get rid of the PAPPY (pacifier) before starting preschool in September, but with all of the changes we haven't pushed the issue.  Since losing her sister, Lulu has needed stability and comfort. Along with coming into our room around 2 or 3am every night and sleeping on the floor, her pappy has provided that.  

{Sleeping on her "Ground Bed" AKA the floor in our room}

Londyn only gets her pappy for sleeping but still... she's 3 years old and it's time to say "Adios, Sayonara, Ciao Pappies!"

Any suggestions??? 

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